CV - The Curriculum Vitae
CV stands for The Curriculum Vitae
Here you will find, what does CV stand for in Organization under Sports category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The Curriculum Vitae? The Curriculum Vitae can be abbreviated as CV What does CV stand for? CV stands for The Curriculum Vitae. What does The Curriculum Vitae mean?The Curriculum Vitae is an expansion of CV
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Alternative definitions of CV
- Computer Video
- Composite Video
- Constant Velocity
- Coefficient Of Variation
- Code Veronica
- Cardiovascular
- Curriculum Vitae
- Curriculum Vitae
View 185 other definitions of CV on the main acronym page
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- CEG Center for Effective Government
- CHBL Creative House Branding LLC
- CNC Coffee 'N Clothes
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- CM Coup de Main
- CIT Cape Institute of Technology
- CHB Chabad House Bowery
- CEL Corporate Electric Ltd
- CRG Carolina Restaurant Group
- CFASE CFA Society Edmonton
- CMHRE Charleston Metro Homes Real Estate
- CPSMC CPS Manufacturing Co
- CTB Carcassonne Tourist Board